Western Washington Weimaraner Club May 6, 2009 with Judge Paula Nykiel Rose won Award of Merit with Rowan Norris Jones as handler. A total of 37 Best of Breed were shown on this day.
With 4 Brood Bitches showing, Rose won Brood Bitch with Cervelo and Schwinn. Rose was handled by Rowan Norris Jones, Cervelo's handler was Michael Anderson with Schwinn handled by Pam Sage. Congratulations to all handlers with a special thank you to Michael Anderson stepping in to handle Cervelo at a moments notice. Good job!!!
Weimaraner Club of America, Western Bench Futurity May 7, 2009.
Judging the Futurity was Judge Kelly Photopoulos.
Junior Bitch, Futurity was Axel's Make Trax Von Der Reitieralm.
Intermediate Bitch, Futurity was CH RoseWin's Classic Schwinn of Anson.
Senior Bitch, Futurity was Nimble's Maine Line to Eden.
Best Bitch in Futurity was CH RoseWin's Classic Schwinn of Anson.
Congratulations to Pam Sage and Schwinn!!!!!
Weimaraner Club of America, National Specialty May 8, 2009 with Judge Patricia Laurans, Rose won Award of Merit with Rowan Norris Jones as handler. A total of 41 Best of Breed were shown on this day.
Following BOB, 5 Brood Bitches were shown with Rose winning again as Brood Bitch with Cervelo and Schwinn. Handlers, Rowan Norris Jones, Michael Anderson and Pam Sage did an excellent job of handling as always.
Congratulations and a big thank you to all who participated in the National/Specialty Shows!!!!!!